Tuesday, July 15, 2014

UFO Sightings

UFO spaceship


UFO sightings have been a large part of Abby's life.  

In the early 1960's in Lebanon, Ohio, Abby's first sighting of a UFO was while looking at the full moon one night in her back yard.  She saw something stop in front of the moon as a dark shadow, then fly straight up and disappear into the night.

In the late 1980's in Pensacola, Florida, she was attending a UFO Conference.  She was standing on the beach with hundreds of people swimming and walking in the sand.  When she moved toward the edge of the water, she looked up and saw a huge UFO.  It was a dark bronze color and sphere shaped.

It came down toward the water and disappeared below the surface in front of all the people. She noticed the people continued to swim and walk casually on the beach.  No one saw it but her.  

When she was eighteen and living in Florida, she and her mother decided to take a walk with her dog, Tiger.  On the way back to her mother's home after the walk, they both thought they saw a helicopter coming toward them.  It came closer and closer.  

It flew over her mother's home and that's when they both realized it was a UFO.  As it passed silently over them, they noticed it emitted a blue beam toward the ground which was over one block wide.  

They stood there in awe as it silently glided through the neighborhood with the bright blue light beaming down. They then went in the front door of her mother's home where her father was sitting. Nothing was said to him nor  to each other about the incident.  Nothing was said until ten years later.

Abby could not understand why nothing was ever mentioned about the incident to her father nor spoken about in her parent's home.  It began to eat her.  It didn't make sense.

Uncovering the Mystery

She located a therapist who specialized in hypnotherapy.  During the two sessions she had with him, the truth was finally revealed.  

They were standing in her parent's front yard with her dog.  They were taken up into the UFO.  There, she say small, gray colored beings with large eyes and skin tight suits. 

She was standing up while beams of different colored lights were aimed at her.  She saw lots of tables with humans on them.  The atmosphere was calm and peaceful.  One of the entities gave her a tour of the ship.  She was speaking telepathically with her tour guide and felt like he was an old friend.

She walked into a room and a baby was brought to her.  She held the child for a few moments. The baby had big eyes, was a boy and was told this was her baby.  Then, she gave her baby back.  

Her mother and her dog were returned to her on the UFO.  She asked if the dog was OK.  She was assured the dog was fine.  (Side note:  When she told her mother this information about the abduction,  her mother wanted to know why she didn't ask about her!  Abby's reply was, "Oh, you know what an animal lover I am!")

She, her mother and dog were beamed back to the side of the home.  She had no idea how long they had been gone.

The good news is the therapist informed her she was not crazy.  He told her he had spoken to dozens of other people who had similar experiences.

Paranormal Blog


This paranormal blog, "Abby's Paranormal World",  is really geared toward reporting the paranormal activities of my friend, Abby.  

To better understand me and how I became associated with her, you need some background.  

My developmental years started in a small town in Iowa.  

During my teens, I found my hands would throb with energy.  I would start touching my friends and my parents to share this energy.  Naturally, my friends began to think I was a little weird.

As an alternative, I started holding onto metal chairs so the energy would run into the ground. That stopped the excess energy and the odd stares from my friends!

I finally realized this energy could be used to help people.   I  the stopped pain for one of my friends by channeling the energy with the intent of healing her and alleviating the pain.  Her response was immediate and the pain stopped.  

This revelation set me on a new path.

Instructor Needed

I knew I needed an instructor to help me use this ability wisely.  I went through a series of Energy Masters slowly adding to my knowledge and understanding of healing energy and destroying negative energy.  

Then came Abby.

I first met Abby at a Healing Circle gathering at a friend's home.  I saw her across the room and said to myself, "You don't belong here."  Little did I know she read my thoughts.  I kept thinking, she REALLY didn't belong there.  She did not have the same vibrational energy.  It was much, much higher than their group energy.

I met her again at a Healing Event where I was a participant using Matrix Energetics (a type of healing modality) to heal people.  She was there, too.  I approached her to say "Hi".  She bluntly informed me my  Double Etheric Body was missing.  I asked if she could please bring it back - whatever a Double Etheric Body is!.  

We set an appointment to meet in my home to do whatever was necessary to bring my missing part back.

At my home, she started the first clearing session.   She spoke a language that sounded like incantations to me -  - then she would make these strange swishing sounds.  Very strange - very strange indeed.

Clearing Session

During this session, I happened to glance up at my vaulted ceiling and I say something going around and around.  As I squinted my eyes, I told Abby it looked like a witch on a broomstick.  "Indeed" she said, "that is exactly what it is."  

Well, knock me over with a broomstick!  I was indignant that this black energy was in my home.  I felt my home was violated and I wanted it out now!

Abby worked some more and the energy dissipated.  Whew!  That was a relief, but my little psyche was in shock.  Darkness reigns even in the best of homes.

After I gathered my wits about me, I realized  I had found the perfect teacher after a lifetime of searching.  Unfortunately, she was not open to taking on a new student.  She was burned out from  trying to teach people and insisted she was not even remotely interested in teaching me. 

I begged - I groveled - I pleaded.  I am not too proud to grovel.  Groveling is good.  Eventually, I  broke her down and she agreed to take me as a student.

Here we are seven years later and I am still her faithful student.  

However, now that I have seen so many events and  situations of paranormal activity, I am compelled to share them with you.  

Paranormal Activity


Paranormal activity comes in all manners, shapes and forms. According to The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, paranormal is defied as "beyond present accepted models of science; above and beyond everyday happenings; pertains to psychic events by those who do not believe everyone is capable of developing psychism; that which is unexplainable but not 'absurd'".   

Paranormal Photo

We, as curious minded individuals, want to learn more about this, to understand what is happening and to find out why it's happening.  That's where Abby comes in.

We thought it would be beneficial if we shared some of  her knowledge with you.    We've come up with a partial list of topics below.  You are free to add your specific request using the comment bar provided.  Some of the topics we found interesting and that she has experienced are:
  • Aliens
  • Ghost stories
  • Exorcism
  • Wormholes
  • Vortexes
  • UFO's
  • Pyramids
  • Symbolism
  • Evil spirits
  • Possessions
  • Past Lives
Abby has experienced it all and seen it all.  She's seen things we can't even imagine. 
Paranormal activity is like a daily walk in the park for Abby.  She provides me with information every day that is "normal" in her world.  To me, it borders on paranormal.  

She told me last week she happened to glance up at the sky on a windless day.  There were two white fluffy clouds off in the distance with one strange brown cloud just above the tree tops over her head.  Suddenly, the brown cloud took off across the sky leaving the two white clouds in the same position. 

I can only guess at what was cloaked in that brown cloud.   I believe she was being watched and when "they" were discovered, they took off.  What do you think?

Paranormal Places - Coral Castle, Florida


We have been forced to create protection from the negative energies slowly destroying all of us - evil and man made evil.  Abby and I have invested an enormous amount of time and energy testing various solutions and have discovered new ways to survive.  These are designed to protect the quality of our lives while we are on this Planet Earth.  Some of these are:
  • Numeric symbols
  • Rocks  - precious - semiprecious
  • Pyramids
  • Symbols
  • Iwand
  • Electromagnetic mat
We will provide you with the specific information in future posts on these. 

Stay tuned for continuous reports from Abby's World on paranormal activity.  We promise there will never be a dull moment.  As I tell Abby, being around her is better than watching TV.  

Something always happens to amaze and astound me. There is never a dull moment.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Paranormal Phenomena in Abby's World

Paranormal phenomena started for Abby early in life. 

As a little girl, Abby was afraid to go to sleep because  beings and entities would come to her at night.  Three hooded entities shrouded in long, brown robes with hoods would stand by her bed every night.  She would pull the covers over her head and yell, "Go away - go away."  When she  pulled the covers down to peek, they would still be there.  She would roll over, ignore them and go to sleep.

At one time, her family lived above a bar and at night she would go to sleep listening to the jukebox play "Rambling Rose"  lulling her to sleep with nightly visits from various entities.   

Her room glowed with neon pink and green from the beckoning bar sign outside her window.   At her young age, she was ill equipped to handle this paranormal phenomena even if it did have a lovely pink and green glow.

She found no rest at night when her parent's visited her maternal grandmother's home.  One door in her bedroom served as a passage way for wandering spirits.  She would see them come and go all night long.  

On one visit to her grandmother's home, she found the Ouija Board.  Her grandmother told her to not play with the board.  The warning went unheeded.  She set the board up on her bed and asked a question.  The Ouija pad flew across the room and hit the wall.  She ran crying to her Grandmother.  Grandmother replied, "I told you not to play with the Ouija board."  That was the end of that play session.

Grandmother's home  also had a daytime play friend for the little girl.  She would see a man standing outside tapping on the window pane.  He would  beckon her  to come out and play with him.  She would run out and they would play hide and seek in the garden.  

Many years later, she and her mother were looking at an old family photo album buried in a trunk.  As they were looking through the photos,  she pointed out a picture of the man she used to play with as a little girl.  He wore a big black hat just like the one in the photo.   Her mother informed her that wasn't possible since the photo was of her great grandfather.  Her grandfather was four years old when his father died of tuberculosis. 

That's when she discovered her playmate was the spirit of her great grandfather.


Who is Paranormal Psychic Abby?


Paranormal psychic Abby comes from a line of psychics.  Her Grandmother on her mother's side and her mother were both psychics each with their own unique abilities  Whether or not her mother and grandmother would admit to these talents, Abby is still aware of them and what she inherited.

As a small child, she suffered from primary tuberculosis which was non transmittable.  Her parents took her to a hospital for shots and blood work on regular basis when they lived in Ohio supposedly to treat this condition.  

I believe she was part of a government experiment to see what would happen if the children were given pure mercury shots.   It is my theory all those shots loaded with deadly mercury enhanced her psychic abilities. The government experiment information is deftly buried on the Internet about her and other children who received the shots in the Ohio area.  

She now has a condition called "hot head" caused by the mercury which accumulated in her brain.  She can not tolerate any type of heat or sun on her head and must dunk her head under water to keep from becoming extremely overheated.   I recently bought her a "cool" neck band to help dissipate the heat.  When I her asked her how it was working, she told me she was so hot, all the water evaporated and she repeatedly had to add more water for it to keep her from overheating.

Because she is a paranormal psychic, Abby has the ability to perceive negative entities and dark forces.  She constantly clears them out of those who have been attacked, including the animals. 

 I am one of the main targets who attracts negative forces,  especially Fallen Angels.  My Light Quotient isn't strong enough to repel them, so instead I become a "tasty morsel" for them to feed off my energies.  Fortunately, I have learned to "feel" when this has happened and I humbly ask for her assistance to help clear me out.  It seems to be a continual ongoing "clean up" in Aisle "J".  Some day,  I hope to be strong enough to fend off these forces, but in the meantime I have to call on Abby for help.

Sometimes,  I act as the paranormal taxi system.  I go out - collect Fallen Angels - come home and Abby helps them to move to the Light.  Lately.  it seems there are more and more Fallen Angels taking the  "J" taxi to my home and asking to be sent on.  I guess that working in Darkness gets old after a few thousand years.

Abby has been tested for supersonic hearing and has a hearing range above the normal levels. She will ask me if I hear that pitch coming from a crystal.  "What pitch?" I say dumbly.  "It's a b flat."  Oh.

Her abilities include communication with animals such as eagles, wolves, sharks , sting rays and horses.  I feel like a total outsider when she has a conversation with my dog, Bella.  I know there is a conversation going on, but I'll be "dog gone" if I can hear it.  I'm working on it - sometimes I DO hear a tidbit of information being transmitted.  

I find it fascinating when I hear her having a conversation with my Indian Ring Necked Parrot, Birdie.  I hear her chatting away in the kitchen.   Of course, I only hear the one side of the conversation which seems rather strange.

Abby informed me Birdie has great fun watching me make coffee in the morning.  I have made it wrong every way known to God and Man.  I  freely admit the computer coffee pot is smarter than me.  Birdie gleefully reports to Abby  I've messed up again.  I'm so happy she is entertained.  

I asked Abby why Birdie keeps flipping her food onto the floor.  Birdie told her she considers my dog, Bella her pet.  She is feeding her.  When Bella hears the food drop, she comes running.  I watch her snuffling and grazing. around the bird cage  When she finally picks her head up from her grazing episode, her beard is covered with feathers - she's feather bearded! Is this the latest canine fashion or your proverbial milk mustache?

Abby is able to sense other's thought and moods.  I can attest to that.  She often informs me I am too tense.  I am?  Yes, indeed - time to get off the computer.  I told her I needed to wear a mask so she wouldn't read my face on what I was thinking.  "That won't help," I was informed.  "I can sense your mood inside you."  Well, I'll just have to practice NOT thinking to give myself a little more privacy.  

Mind you, she only does this with me.  It takes way too much energy for her to be delving into other people's lives.  Besides that, she finds their inner thoughts very boring and common - same old junk!  Also, she only does what is ethical in order to protect peoples' individual rights. Trespassing is one of the Cardinal Rules and must never be broken.

Paranormal Psychic Abby has a heightened sense of smell.  I found it strange that she smells everything before she puts it into her body.  However, I found myself doing the same thing.   Smelling is a very important clue.  

Abby is acutely aware of taste and how food is processed in her body.  If she wants a good night sleep, she could take a bit of turkey and be asleep in a matter of minutes. She will eat beef if its freshly cooked.  If its, cold she can't eat it.  She says the smell  and texture changed from the refrigeration.

She always does an energy test to see if certain pills or food are compatible with her body. One time she decided to try  Manuka Honey  to help her physical energy level.  She ingested a 1/4 teaspoon of honey while standing in my kitchen leaning against the counter.  The next thing I knew, she had melted onto the floor.  There she stayed for over an hour unable to move.  The 1/4 teaspoon overloaded her system.  I took the same dosage and didn't feel a thing.  Either she's way too sensitive or my body is a "dud".  

Probably it's a mixture of the two!